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Special Bonuses for Committed DUOLIFE Club Members within the “Effective Growth” programme. It’s a programme like never before, and a unique opportunity to get a special Bonus: 1) up to 1,000,000 BP for the Promoted Person; 2) up to 100,000 BP for the Recommending Person. Details can be found HERE.
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product code: DLPAPFIT050101

Your price 178,00 €

Date of minimum durability ProSlimer®: 01.07.2024

Even cheaper in a bundle! Buying the DUOFIT 10 ready-to-use kit saves you approximately 5% compared to buying the products individually.

DUOFIT 10 SLIM SHAKE consists of four carefully selected food supplements that can be used complementarily. The active ingredients in the products support body weight management1-3, help you lose fat2,3 and reduce feelings of hunger2, support bowel function, eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body4, and contribute to proper liver function5,6.

The kit is designed to be the first step in supporting the creation and development of healthy eating habits and efforts to keep the body in optimal shape and condition. Its usage scheme ensures the convenience of use, which is adapted, among other things, to people who work away from home and to active people, and allows you to use the kit to its full potential every day. Take care of yourself comprehensively – choose DUOFIT 10!

Together with the DUOFIT 10 set, you receive two programs in the form of e-books (Basic Program and Mediterranean Program), prepared by a specialist. They contain extremely valuable tips on a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The programme will be emailed to you after you purchase the kit a. The recommended supplementation period is 10 days. We recommend that you use the programme twice a year. It is therefore an excellent tool to start the process of building and shaping good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.

DUOFIT 10 contains:

1x DUOLIFE Chlorofil;

1x ProSlimer®;

1x SHAPE CODE® Slim Shake 750 g;

1x FIZZY EASY Electrolyte Complex.

Recommended use of DUOFIT 10 kit products

In the morning:

ProSlimer® – 1 capsule 30 minutes before breakfast;​

DUOLIFE Chlorofil* – 10 ml dissolved in a glass (250 ml) of water, before the meal;​

SHAPE CODE® Slim Shake** – Mix 1 flat scoop of powder (25 g) with a plant-based drink and fruit.

During lunch:

FIZZY EASY Electrolyte Complex – 1 tablet dissolved in a glass (250 ml) of cold water, after the meal.

During dinner:

ProSlimer® – 1 capsule 30 minutes before the midday meal;​

DUOLIFE Chlorofil* – 10 ml dissolved in a glass (250 ml) of water, before the meal.​

In the evening:

FIZZY EASY Electrolyte Complex – 1 tablet dissolved in a glass (250 ml) of cold water, after the meal.

* You can prepare DUOLIFE Chlorofil by dissolving a daily dose of 20 ml in a bottle (500 ml) of water and take the liquid with you, for example to work.

** SHAPE CODE® Slim Shake can also be taken at the time of the brunch instead. The time of consumption depends on your diet.

Learn about the valuable active ingredients in DUOFIT 10 kit products:

1 Chicory (Cichorium intybus)supports body weight management. (ID 2702)

2 Garcinia gummi-guttahelps maintain healthy body weight, contributes to adipose tissue reduction and reduces the sensation of hunger. (ID 2057)

3 Guarana (Paullinia cupana)helps maintain healthy body weight and supports the metabolism of fats. (ID 2707)

Chicory (Cichorium intybus)supports digestive processes and contributes to the stimulation of the functioning of the stomach and intestines. (ID 2011)

4 Chlorella – supports the functioning of the intestines and cleansing the body from toxins and heavy metals, boosts body vitality and contributes to the development of beneficial microbiome. (ID 3314)

5 Chlorella – supports liver function. (ID 1798)

Chlorella – facilitates the increase in energy and vitality. (ID 1500)

6 Chicory (Cichorium intybus)supports liver function. (ID 2012)

Chicory(Cichorium intybus)helps maintain healthy blood sugar level and supports heart function. (ID 2416)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) helps minimise the accumulation of fats and supports their removal by the liver. (ID 2751)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) supports normal liver function. (ID 3908)

Vitamin C contributes to reducing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.

Interesting facts

1) The DUOFIT 10 kit is an excellent tool to help you develop healthy eating habits and achieve optimal body health. At the same time, it prepares the body for further supplementation with the DUOFIT BALANCE kit. Remember that unused products from the DUOFIT 10 kit can be used in the next phase of supplementation.

2) The supplementation is intended for adults. The recommended duration is 10 days. We recommend using the programme twice a year. If in doubt, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

3) Together with the DUOFIT 10 kit, you will receive by e-mail an e-book programme full of valuable tips and advice, which is an excellent tool to start the process of building and shaping correct eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. Use the valuable nutritional tips it contains, take your body measurements, plan and record the amount of food you eat and water you drink. Our e-book will help you with all of this.

4) Practical tips

Remember to drink plenty of water! When supplementing with the DUOFIT 10 kit, we recommend drinking 2 litres of water per day, or 8 glasses. Record the amount of water you drink. A meal planner can help you keep track of the amount of water you drink throughout the day.

Adequate hydration of the body supports detoxification processes, regulation of bowel movements, optimal transport of oxygen and nutrients, correct metabolic processes, optimal concentration and skin condition!

The key to success is always a proper meal plan and a balanced diet.

Weight loss involves reducing calorie intake – use specially adapted menus, eat regularly and do not snack!

Don’t forget to include enough protein in your daily diet. Good quality protein helps reduce overall calorie intake and promotes the building of lean muscle mass.

Reduce the amount of coffee you drink, limit other stimulants, and avoid alcohol and processed foods.

Choose vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly prepared meals. With proper support it’s not that hard!

Don’t forget to be physically active! It doesn’t have to be an intense and strenuous workout, it can be a 20 minute workout at home or a brisk walk. The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends at least 10,000 steps a day. Use available apps and pedometers to help you reach your goal.

If you suffer from a chronic illness or use medication, always consult your physician, pharmacist or nutritionist before starting a supplement regime.

5) Don’t give up, nobody says it will be easy! Take advantage of the support available in the form of a programme and dietary advice, and remember to be physically active every day. With effort and commitment, you will be able to enjoy your body in optimal shape and condition!

Check out the products included in the kit

Remember you can buy each product from the kit separately. Clicking on the selected image will take you directly to the product sheet in the DUOLIFE shop.

Want to know more?

Discover the DUOFIT BALANCE kit

Remember! All sales materials can be found under “Partnership Links” and “Downloads.”

a The programme is sent to the e-mail address indicated in the Club Member’s panel. Log in to your panel and see whether all the consents are checked.